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How to set a tracking schedule

Cardata's tracking schedule is a time-saving tool built to make your life easier. Once you've set a schedule on the app, Cardata will automatically track your drives during the times and days of your choice.

If you've set a tracking schedule before, you will notice that some of the buttons have slightly different text. The instructions here still apply to you - The "Schedule" button referenced in step 3 will read "Edit" and the "Set schedule" button will read "Update schedule." Please follow the instructions shown, using these buttons to navigate the app and save changes.

Here’s how you can set your schedule. 

  1. Open Cardata.
  2. Tap the calendar icon (edit schedule) above your tracking toggle. This opens the tracking schedule.

    Tip: You can also open the tracking schedule by tapping the underlined text in your tracking toggle.

  3. If this is your first time creating a tracking schedule, the app will not show this screen. Skip to step four.

    Tap Schedule. This will open the schedule set-up screen.

  4. Now it’s time to set your schedule! Generally, your tracking schedule should match your work hours. That said, we suggest that you set the schedule to start 30 minutes before work and end 30 after work.
  5. Tap the days you drive for work. If you need to schedule different tracking hours for different days, only select days that share the same hours. You'll set a schedule for the other days after.

  6. Once you've selected the days, set the tracking time. Tap the Start time tab and scroll through the rolling clock to set the start time. Repeat this with the End time tab.
  7. When you’re happy with the schedule, tap the purple Set Schedule button.  

  8. If your hours vary throughout the week, repeat steps 4-6 to create a tracking schedule for your remaining workdays.

Congrats, you should now have a tracking schedule! A properly set up tracking schedule screen might look something like this: