Where is my monthly mileage summary?
Your monthly mileage summary is a handy tool that displays a given month’s total mileage, total business mileage, total trips, total business trips, and commute deductions.
Follow these steps to check out your monthly mileage summary:
- Open Cardata.
By default, your daily mileage summary will appear on your Driver Dashboard. Above the summary, to the right of today’s date, you’ll notice a Day/Month toggle. Tap the word ‘MONTH.’
- A mileage summary of the current month will replace your daily mileage summary. From there, you’ll be able to review your current month’s mileage details.
- To view mileage summaries from previous months, swipe left on your mileage summary until you hit the month you want to view.
- To return to the daily mileage summary view, tap the word ‘Day’ on the Day/M toggle.