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How to filter your trips

When you visit the My Trips screen, you'll find a long list of your trips recorded by Cardata. That's fine and dandy, but what happens when you just want to view the business trips you took three months ago, without all your non-business trips mixed in?

That's where the filter comes in: it enables you to select the date range and/or the trip type you want to view. It cuts out the clutter, so you can do what you need to do faster.

📝Things to note:

  • By default, when you visit My Trips, there won't be a trip type filter. All your captured trip types will be listed. The date range of trips cards shown defaults to your current active period.
  • The filter will revert back to it's default set up (All trip types & current active period) as soon as soon as you leave My Trips.
  • You can only filter by one trip type at a time, but you can filter by trip type and date range at the same time, for when you want to get extra specific.

Filter by trip type

By using the trip filter, you can choose to only display unclassified, business, or personal trips.

  1. At the top of the My Trips screen, you'll see two buttons: One reading All types and one displaying your current month and year.
  2. Tap All types > the trip type you want to view > Select. You can only filter by one trip type at a time.

Filter by date taken

The date filter can be used to change, shorten, or lengthen the date range of trip cards shown on My Trips.

Follow these steps to filter by date:

  1. At the top right-hand corner of My Trips, you’ll notice a button displaying your current active period. Tap it to open a calendar.

  2. If you want to view trips from a single date: Locate the date by scrolling through the calendar screen. Once you’ve found it, tap the date and press Apply.

    If you want to view trips from multiple dates: croll through the calendar to set the date range's start date. Repeat with the end date, and press Apply. All trips captured between the start and end date you've selected will appear on My Trips.

What does the Default button do?

When the Default button is tapped, the calendar will automatically set your current active period as the date range of trips displayed on My Trips. To use the Default button, press Default > Apply.