FAVR tax assessment: Rules & calculating taxable income

FAVR compliance rules

All drivers on the FAVR program need to meet the following requirements in order to receive non-taxable reimbursements.

  1. Minimum Mileage: A minimum of 5,000 business miles must be driven annually. If you have been on the platform for less than a year, business mileage is prorated based on the number of months on the program.
  2. Vehicle Value: The value of your vehicle when new must be at least 90% of the price of the program standard vehicle chosen by your employer. 
  3. Vehicle Age: The vehicle driven must be newer than the oldest allowable year, as specified by your employer.
  4. Insurance Tax Compliance: FAVR reimbursements cover insurance costs, so drivers must carry at least the minimum required coverages specified by their employer. If a driver does not have valid insurance or has insufficient coverage, they are out of FAVR compliance and may be taxed. Some companies may also withhold reimbursements. Check your company’s Car Policy for specific requirements
  5. Annual Odometer Declaration: At the start of each year, drivers are required to submit their annual odometer reading to maintain FAVR compliance. Failure to submit this declaration will result in non-compliance, putting the driver at risk of being taxed on their reimbursements until the declaration is submitted.

Depending on your program, you may need to meet additional requirements. Visit your company's vehicle policy or contact one of your administrators to learn more.

IRS calculation for taxable income

When a driver is out of FAVR compliance, their FAVR reimbursement is compared to what they would have received at the IRS Standard Rate. This is called a Non-Taxable Limit. 

If a non-compliant driver’s FAVR reimbursement is less than their Non-Taxable Limit, they will owe no tax. If their FAVR reimbursement is greater than their Non-Taxable Limit, the difference between the two will be assessed as taxable income. 

"In 2025, the IRS Standard Rate is 70 cents per mile. This means that the maximum amount that a non-compliant driver can receive without incurring taxable income is equal to their business mileage multiplied by $0.70."

The example below shows a FAVR taxable income calculation for 2 non-compliant FAVR drivers: Total Reimbursement - (Mileage * IRS Rate) = Taxable Income.