Using the Reports page
Learn about the key reports and descriptions of most frequently used reports.
Reimbursement reports
Variable: This report lists drivers by monthly mileage, CPM rate, and monthly variable reimbursement. The report can be generated by month, year, and division.
Fixed: This report lists drivers by vehicle profile and monthly fixed reimbursement. The report can be generated by month, year, and division.
Fixed and Variable: This report provides both the fixed and variable reimbursement data in a single report. This is not an official payment report, but it does display the components of each driver’s total monthly reimbursement. The report can be generated by month, year, and division.
Reimbursement Totals – Time Period: This report displays the total, cumulative reimbursement received by a group of drivers over the period selected. The report can be generated by division or for the period you require.
Drivers Without Reimbursement: This report lists employees that did not receive reimbursement in the selected month due to not being set up and/or not having submitted compliant insurance documentation by the last day of the previous month. The report can be generated by month and year.
Fuel Prices: This report provides fuel prices by city or state with the 12-month average of historical fuel prices.
Fuel Prices Chart: This report provides fuel prices by city or state, with date selection available.
IRS Standard Mileage Rates: This report provides current and historical IRS Standard Rates.
CRA Standard Mileage Rates: This report provides current and historical CRA Standard Rates.
Driver reports
These reports are dynamic. They change as the system is updated with adds, terms, insurance processing, driver vehicle changes, and so on.
Vehicle and Traffic Light: This report lists the compliance light status of each driver along with the reason for that status. The report also includes each driver’s personal vehicle information. The report can be generated by division.
Vehicle: This report compares each driver’s vehicle profile to their personal vehicle to clarify how close drivers are to falling out of vehicle age compliance. The report can be generated by division and driver status (active/inactive).
Recent Mileage Logs: This report displays mileage logs for the current and previous month for all the drivers. This report can be generated by division and month.
Mileage: This report displays monthly mileage breakdowns (business and personal) and odometer readings. It provides a snapshot of traffic lights and activity status.
Daily Mileage Details: This report breaks the selected driver’s daily mileage down into business and personal. It includes all named stops visited by that driver on each day within the selected range as well as the stated business purpose of each trip, the beginning odometer, and the ending odometer. It is helpful for spot checks to see if employees are including their odometer details and if they have personal mileage. The reports can be generated for individual drivers or for a specific division and for the period you require.
Address & Email: This report lists addresses and emails for all admins, managers, and drivers.
Driver Dates: This report displays start, stop, and insurance expiration dates for each driver. The start date is the date when the driver becomes eligible to record mileage in Cardata; it is always the first of the month. The stop date is the day the driver becomes ineligible to enter mileage through the program. It is a manual entry that is required when you wish to deactivate a driver.
Vehicle Expired: This report lists employees whose primary vehicle is outside the vehicle age requirement. Generate reports by division.
Tax and audit reports
Quarterly Tax Adjustments Report: Provides the quarterly taxable values for drivers. This report can be selected by Division, Year and Quarter.
IRS FAVR Annual Tax Adjustment Report: This report displays drivers and their fixed and variable reimbursement, non taxable limit, mileage, tax adjustment, and tax status.
Mileage Band Audit: This report lists all drivers and the mileage band they are assigned to. It will also note whether drivers should move up or down the mileage band.