UTC, time zones, and your tracking schedule

We use Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for clear and concise time zone referencing in the trip tracking schedule.

When you change time zones, your scheduled start and end time will automatically update to align with your home time zone’s tracking schedule. For example, if you travel from CST to EST, your tracking schedule will automatically update from 9am-5pm to 10am-6pm.

💡 Tip: If you're often travelling to across time zones, we suggest widening your tracking schedule to accommodate more than one time zone. For instance, if you regularly travel through CST and EST, set your schedule from 9am to 6pm. 

What are the benefits of UTC?

  1. Consistency: UTC is a global time standard, meaning it's consistent across different time zones. Even when you transition from one time zone to another, your tracking schedule will remain consistent and align to your home time zone's work hours.
  2. Less interaction: With UTC, Cardata Mobile updates your tracking schedule for you. No more confusion on what the right schedule start/stop time is, and no more tedious editing.